Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Study Snacks

Happy Tuesday and back to school everyone! I hope your week is starting to settle down. I know with classes starting up everything can get very hectic. In fact as I'm typing this, 10 multicolored sticky notes and to-do lists are staring at me--very scary! Also intimidating is my Managerial Economics class.
To liven up the week at least a little bit, I've put together a few of the snacks I've been having. Enjoy ladies!

On-the-Go Breakfast:

DanActive Probiotic Dairy Drink: Strawberry Flavored
My Review
: This DanActive drink basically tasted like extremely sugary, watered down yogurt. If you're a yogurt kinda girl, then you may like it... I was just expecting it would taste more like a smoothie.

The Perfect Study Snack:

Organic Banana Chips from the Fresh Market.

When You're Craving Potato Chips:

Veggie Chips from your local health food store.

When You Have the Laptop Munchies:

Peanut Butter Cookie LARABAR
**while reading Miss E-Z-P-Z's site :)
My Review: Heaven in a bar. With only three ingredients (dates, peanuts, and salt), Larabar represents simplicity at its finest.

Time to watch an online lecture. <3 HBB


  1. PB Cookie larabars are my absolute FAVORITES!!!! You can never go wrong. I honestly think they taste a lot like a "real" PB cookie...

  2. Managerial Econ...blech....i took that class last semester. it wasnt so bad but im glad i am absolutely done with econ classes! good luck!

  3. Good luck with your schooling girlie! I started back today so I'm in the same boat as you are!

    pb larabar = pure foodgasm ;)

  4. Love all your articles on College Lifestyles--I think I told you that before lol!

    Anyway, I love refueling with healthy snacks during the day--so much better than junk food. Brain food=happy me!

  5. watered down yogurt? no thanks.. larabar? yes please.

    good luck with your work boo!

  6. I'm totally with you on the whole yogurt smoothie thing... I have yet to find one that actually tastes like a smoothie. The closest I've found is Yoplait's Light Smoothies, but even those have that watered down, sugary taste.

    That Larabar sounds so good! I have to try that flavor out ASAP.


  7. stickie notes, banana chips, vegggie chips, larabars!!! all great things for a busy life!!

    love the reviews!! ehhhhhh I am NOT a fan of most yogurt drinks. Usually wayyy too sweeeeeet.


  8. Try Stoneyfield Farms peach yogurt smoothie... it is sooo much better! :)

  9. well thanks for the shout out girl! i was reading your post and i looked at the comp and was like o that looks familiar. lol but yes PB larabarare heaven/ all larabars! yummmmm

  10. I love banana and veggie chips! That's why I keep them out of the house! :)

    Have a great day...

  11. Haha I love when you said "laptop munchies", SO true! I always get snackie while reading everyone's blogs;) The banana chips look really yummy, I must try them sometime.

    I hope you're having a fun time at school!!!

    P.S- Thanks for your suggestion on my Blogger problem!!!

  12. I've tried the Actimel probiotic yogurt drink, which tastes wonderful btw, but I'm not really sure if it does any good. I don't feel any different whether I'm drinking them or not. Do you feel any benefits from them?


  13. School starts for me on Monday. I am so anxious as I read about everyone going back. Trying to enjoy the last few days :)
    Hope classes are going well for ya

  14. Glad to hear you're getting organized for back to school! I'm in love with the PB Lara Bar too.

  15. haha college munchies! I just had that with caramel rice cakes. Yum and crunchy and not too filling so I don't ruin my dinner!

    Btw, I wish I had seen that article beforehand...I already bought all my textbooks! :-(

  16. I definitely eat all the time on my laptop during the school year!
