Thursday, August 27, 2009

Eeyore's in town

It's almost Friday! This week I've truly realized how important it'll be to balance both schoolwork and social time this semester. I'm so excited for all of the fun events coming up in the next few weeks: football games, a career fair, and Alpha Kappa Psi get togethers. Hopefully each day will be a new adventure!

In other news, I'm pretty sure Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh visited Gainesville today. The weather has been extremely gloomy and rainy all day. I did manage to get a quick thirty minute workout in after class. Let's just say the elliptical machine showed me who was boss. ;)

Hopefully the weather cheers up tomorrow! Onto the eats..

Scrambled eggs with melted cheese, ham slices, and extra spicy salsa

Homemade Hazelnut Iced Coffee

Publix Tsunami Rolls. These poor little rolls don't last more than 10 minutes in my home. Between drowning them in soy sauce and quickly gobbling them up, they never have a chance!

Juicy Grapes

One perk about online lectures is that you can pause the video and grab a quick snack when the pesky afternoon munchies randomly hit. I found myself devouring this delicious White Chocolate Macadamia Nut CLIFBAR during an online Entrepeneurship lecture. I could probably eat about three of these bars in one sitting they are so good!

Colorful salad with red bell peppers, avocado, pickles, Kraft Vidalia Onion Vinaigrette

Have a great weekend! I'll be working for most of it, but at least I'll receive a nice paycheck next Friday. Enjoy your night! <3 HBB


  1. Love the white chocolate clif bars! Good luck with school honey! :)

  2. Believe it or not, I saw you again (twice in one week!) I was behind you on another elliptical.

    This link is to my new blog... its a work in progress, to say the least and partly for school.

    See you around campus again soon?


  3. balancing school and social life is so hard! Its really tricky to find a good balence

  4. That sushi looks incredible. I love, love, love sushi. So much.

  5. i love the looks of that sushi, i cant believe it wasn't from some fancy spot!

  6. suck weather all around, it seems!

    balancing school/work/fun is NOT easy- hope you find time for some fun this weekend!

  7. I have yet to try that flavour of Clif Bar! We don't have it here and I've been unsuccessful on my US trips!

  8. eeyore was always my fav -- he was so chill :) but i am sorry to hear you've been having a little difficulty balancing everything. Getting used to the transition to school can be difficult - but you learn to find a schedule that works for you and adjust.

    yum, clif bars.. mi amo <3

  9. Sounds like you have fun events in the upcoming weeks to look forward to! I'm sure once you get back to your routine, balancing everything will become a lot easier. :)

    btw - LOVE LOVE LOVE Eeyore!!!


  10. What is with all this dreary weather??? It's been pouring here in NYC too.

    That hazelnut coffee sounds really good, I bet it will keep you nice and focused while studying;)

    Pickles in salad are amazing, by the way:)

  11. Urgh, I hate rainy days...that's why I like the dry weather here in LA!

    And that's great that you are learning to balance academic and social life! That's the best thing you can learn in college!

  12. AH! SO jealous of all your eats! I heart sushi rolls sooooo much!!! ;) And that cheese on your eggies is calling my name!!

  13. You are my kinda girly--scrambled eggs rock! Actually eggs in any form rock! Ha. Glad your school yr is off to a super start!

  14. Aww, I wish I was young again and back in college. I miss those times! And you're right - balance is key.

  15. aw eeyore. i used to love him back in the day!

  16. It rained all day here too!

    That sushi looks really yummy!

  17. Eeyore was my favorite character! I used to have a stuffed animal Eeyore with a detachable tail ;)

    WCMN Clif = way too delicious! Hope you're having a good weekend!
