Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday Morning Rain is Falling

Hi everyone, thanks for all of your motivational advice. :) Today is a really muggy & rainy day in Florida which is actually perfect weather. Yesterday my boyfriend and I decided we should end things. As hard as it is, we both know it's the right thing to do. I'm not going to go into details, but he is my best friend so I really hope we can still have our talks. I may be a little MIA these next few days just so I can adjust to this new chapter in life.

Anyways, enough crazy talk. ;)

Eggs w/ ketchup & turkey slices

Banana chips from The Fresh Market

Chick-fil-A Diet Lemonade mmm

Parmesan crusted chicken & cherries

The Da Vinci Code + watermelon
I've been wanting to read this for a longgg time. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it before school starts up again!

Sonny's leftovers: pulled pork, sweet bbq sauce, & coleslaw

Have a good day! Hopefully it's nice & sunny wherever you are. <3 HBB


  1. Sorry to hear about things with the bf, but I'm sure it will all work out for the best. Just take some time to relax, destress, and focus on YOU! :)

    I've been wanting to read The Da Vinci Code for a while too. It's such a controversial book that I just want to know what everyone is talking about! Let me know what you end up thinking of it!


  2. sorry to hear about you and the bf...take care of yourself, k? xxx

  3. Aww, I'm really sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend. :( Take care hun, and if you ever need to talk, I'm here! xo

  4. I just went through a break-up too. I know it is hard and the best thing that helped me was putting taking care of me on the top of my priority list. That is so important at this time in your life! I am always here for you too.

  5. Hey sweetheart...sorry to hear about you and the bf, but if you think its for the best, you are probably right. sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together. you are a very strong girl, and i know you can overcome this! im here for you if you ever need anything!!

    p.s. i may take you up on that tour offer of University of Florida!!

  6. Sorry to hear about you and your bf, at least it was mutual. I've read the Da Vinci Code, it's a good read and highly recommended.

  7. I'm sorry about you and the bf, I'm sure things will work out for the better!

  8. shannon - i am so sorry about your and the bf, sweetheart. Please please PLEASE never hesitate to contact me if you need a little support or girl talk! I really admire you for remaining so strong and i hope you two can hold on to your friendship

    love ya, gorgeous!

  9. Hey girlie,
    really love your blog :)

    I am so sorry to hear about you and your boyfriend :(
    It can be hard to part ways, but its good that you guys are still friends :)

    I absolutely loved the DaVinci Code. Its one of the few books I have finished, and I could not put it down!!

    Feel better!!

  10. hope you're doing okay; breaking up is hard to do. "the da vinci code" will definitely help keep your mind off of it

  11. Break ups sure can suck! Take your time....

  12. I know it's so hard going through a breakup. I'm sure everyone will completely understand if you are MIA. It's good that you both decided it though.

    On a lighter note, I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog roll. I really like your blog :)

  13. sorry lady :( I hope you are feelin ok. This chapter of life is all about you! Soak it up. If this is what you feel is the best..then obviously it is! Hopefully it will work out for you 2 just being friends and that you will be able to maintain having those chats..
    Keep your chin up!

  14. Sorry to hear about the breakup dear! But one good thing, an excuse to date Ben&Jerry for awhile, guilt-free! ;o)

  15. love me some eggs with ketchup!!
    I am hoping to read the Da Vinci code by the end of the summer ;D

  16. Sorry to hear about you and your BF--it's great though that you're doing what's best for you both!
    I've been wanting to read The Davinci Code toooo, I heard it's really great! I read Angels and Demons a few months ago and LOVED it!

  17. I sorry to hear about your breakup, but hopefully everything will work out for the better. And you definitely should stay friends, so I hope things work out there.

    It is indeed nice and sunny here!

  18. i love chick fil a diet lemonade, when ever i get the chance i buy one.

  19. I am so sorry to hear that. Good luck and spend some time loving yourself right now. :) Feel free to e-mail me.
