Friday, July 3, 2009

Live Simply

Hope everyone has had an amazing week :)

I'm finally back in civilization for a few days yay! My family and I have been camping 4 nights without electric, water, or phone service. Roughing it at its best!

We found this bumper sticker and I love it!
Live Simply, that others may simply live.

Eggs, fried turkey slices, cottage cheese, banana

Turkey sandwich with raw peanuts, grapes, & a peach

Unflattering pic of beans & weenies
(definitely the best camp meal so far.. had like 2 more helpings of it.)

Mediterranean soup & turkey sandwich on wheat bread

Blended iced white chocolate latte :)

Hotel b-fast food: Total cereal, light & fit raspberry yogurt, OJ

My doggy Sammie and I by a waterfall. It's his birthday today!!! He's 6 years old.. so I guess that means 42 in people years. He's getting so old!

Thank you so much to Baylee for this lovely blog award! I'll pass it off in my next post to three others, so look forward to that. :)

The family and I are off to Atlanta for the night. Tomorrow we're going to head back up to the mountains for yet another week of camping. Happy 4th everyone!

<3 HBB


  1. Camping is so much fun! :D We used to go a lot, though stayed on campsites that had showers, etc...kind of cheating but still awesome.

    Happy birthday to Sammy!

  2. I'm so glad you had such a great time. Sounds like you were able to eat healthy and stay active the whole trip! Summer is just so much fun to get out and enjoy nature... but I have to say that no running water or electicity would definitely bug the heck out of me after a day. ;)


  3. i've never been camping but i've always wanted to! i don't know if i could rough it for four days though...

    i love that bumper sticker too!

  4. Sounds like you have been having fun camping, your dog is adorable!

  5. way to make the most out of the camp food! everything looks amazing (except the beans and weanies.. but we all know that the yummiest food is often times the ugliest.. right?!)

    glad you enjoyed your weekend with mother nature and the family!

    congrats on the award :)

  6. That is an awesome bumper sticker! and all of the eats look awesome! Enjoy your weekend love!

    <3 Laura

  7. Glad you're having a good trip!

    And tell Sammie "Happy Birthday!" for me. :)

  8. Wow, props to you and your fam for roughing it! My family loves to take off on road trips, but we're hotel people alllll the way. If there's not a civilized bathroom, I can't do it. Like girl scout camping is alright, but doing my business in the woods is just NOT okay with me lol.

  9. hey girl! I want to go camping that sounds like fun and i love that bumper sticker. have a great 4th girl

  10. LOVE all the cute pics of camping food! And that bumper sticker is so true. Wish more people paid attention to the message. Spread the word gurl!

  11. Aw what fun! I'm not much of a camper myself, being spoiled with all the luxuries at home...haha!
    wow, raw peanuts? Ain't that hard to digest?

  12. Congrats on the blog award and all the fun vacation time. Enjoy your fourth of july weekend :)

  13. aww i forgot how fun raw peanuts are to eat!
    have a great time in Atlanta & congrats on your award!

  14. I am so jealous. I want to go camping so badly. My husband is questing my toughness. Hopefully this fall or next summer. Great pictures!

  15. Congrats on the award.

    I've never been camping, but I'm not really a living outdoors kinda person. I hate spiders and creepy crawlies.

  16. Im WAYYYY jealous of your camping adventures...i have NEVER been camping before!

    eat lots more camp-worthy food for me :)

  17. Ha! Beanie Weenies! Sounds so good to me! Your blog is really cute. Glad I found it.

    P.S. I really love that bumper sticker, and I believe it whole-heartedly.

  18. hey! i just found your blog. i have a golden retriever too! aren't they the best dogs ever?

  19. I love to camp sometimes just because you get stripped down to the bear essentials and appreciate everything else back home a bit more and + camp food rocks! Ha! Glad you are having fun!

  20. love the "live simply" quote!!!! great eats and love the pics xoxox
