Monday, July 13, 2009

Rambles & Product Reviews

Hi ladies! I hope you have all had a magnificent Monday. The sun has been out the whole day today which is a major record considering the past rainy week.

I don't usually do this, but I kind of wanted to get something off of my chest. So please pardon my rambling!

Yesterday was a really bad day. My boyfriend of 2 years recently got accepted into law school (4 states away) and in about 2 weeks, he'll pack his bags to start a brand new life. We're trying to work things out, but it's just so hard.. especially since we've been in 2 different cities this entire summer. We had a really good talk last night and tried to figure some things out. But after our talk, I had a major meltdown and was up til about 3AM thinking about things.

Needless to say, when I woke up this morning I knew I needed to find something happy to do. So I went all by myself to my favorite place:

The beach! (post swimming picture ;] ) It was really relaxing. I swam, listened to my iPod, and read some of the last Harry Potter book. I felt much better after this!

Thank you so much for reading if you got through all of that! Now here are the eats:

Scrambled eggs with ketchup and turkey slices

Total Cereal. Sadly we were out of milk which made me even more hungry. I had this amount times two!

Toasted turkey wrap, grapes, apple, & diet cream soda

A little piece of coconut.. mmm

Strawberry Slurpee from 7-Eleven's Free Slurpee Day

Salad with strawberries, onions, and honey mustard
Archer Farms Jumbo Coconut Shrimp with pineapple chutney dipping sauce
My Review: DELISH. The sauce was amazing! I bought these at Super Target in the frozen aisle. As Rachel Ray would say, "Yum-O!"

Granny Smith with creamy peanut butter

Breyers Pure Fruit Pomegranate Blends: Blueberry Pomegranate
My Review: Blueberry was definitely the best flavor out of the three (mango, blueberry, and mixed berry). At only 40 calories per bar, they are perfect for those hot summer days.

Have a great night tonight friends! I'll be watching The Bachelorette in about an hour. I'm so excited! <3HBB


  1. Hey love!!

    I am very sorry to hear about you & your bf's situation, but i am glad to hear you were able to clear your head. i was in a slightly similar situation once...except it was only about 150 miles away so we were still able to see eachother, but if you two are as strong of a couple and your love is as strong as you believe it is, you will make it. it will be tough, but if you both love eachother, it is worth it in the end. believe me.

    i miss having 7/11's around! only 27 more days til they are back in my life :)

  2. I am sorry you are having a hard time with the bf. Believe me, I understand! I recently got out a relationship that lasted about 2 years and during our relationship I had lots of sleepless nights. However, since ya'll are already talking about the challenges you will be facing--the distance will be okay. I know it will be hard at first--but it will make ya'll stronger. :)

  3. congrats to the boyfriend on law school, but im sorry that you guys will be so far apart!! Im sure you two will work everything out in the end :D

  4. ahh i forgot about free slurpee day!

    sorry about the bf situation. i can kind of relate to how you're feeling right now too, unfortunately. same moods--different situation. :-/ it will all work out!

  5. keep positive! i want to go buy a coconut now... except in dc that's not too promising hahaha.

  6. I'm sorry about your boyfriend moving! That sounds really hard... I hope you guys can figure something out (congrats to him for getting into law school BTW!)

    CREAM SODA LOVE! :D Aaah, I miss that stuff. I haven't had fresh coconut in years- that stuff rocks my world.

    Hope you have a nice Tuesday!

  7. Sorry to hear about your boyfriend moving away. It can be hard, but I'm sure you can work it out. Sounds like the beach was a great place to clear your head and relax a little.

    When scrolling down through your post every meal I came to I was thinking "Wow that looks so good, I'll have to try that" Wonderful meals today :-)

    Helen (Tales Over Tea)

  8. aww sorry about the moving away new I am sure you guys will work it out! The beach/sun can be a perfect way to sort out your thoughts and get some me time!

  9. No need to apologize about "ramblings" dear--that is what blogs and blog friends are for! Whatever is meant to be will happen for you and the BF, so hang in there and just keep eating yummy stuff(like you always do), and soaking up that glorious sunshine! =)

  10. Aww, I'm so sorry to hear about your bf. It's always hard to deal with such big changes, especially with those closest to us. I'm sure the two of you will be able to work it out for the best. :)

    Loving that coconut! What a fun, summery snack!


  11. I wish I could just pack up and go to the beach - lucky you! I'm glad you got to enjoy some down time and relax, though. I hope you can get everything figured out with the boy, though. Try not to worry because if it's meant to be then it will definitely work itself out.

  12. That really sucks about your BF. I hope you guys can work something out. I love that you can go to the beach and relax. I wish I had a beach around here. I love your blog and hope you don't mind if I follow.

  13. Oh sweetie I am so sorry about the bf situation!! HUGS!!! Stay strong in you!!
    You know... i've never tried fresh coconut!!

  14. aw that's a tough sitch with the boy, sweetheart. I know the feeling -- when me and my guy were separated for school last year i didn't know how i would survive -- i was so upset!! but -- as time progress I found our relationship strengthened! we made the most of phonecalls and ichatting and we learned to appreciate each other so much more! in turn -- all the petty fighting over silly things stopped and we just always made the most of each and every opportunity we had to see each other! I promise you -- there is no better feeling that seeing your guy for the first time after being away for a few months -- that feeling is irreplaceable! just try to look forward to that day for now :) and it's definitely true what they say.. absence DOES make the heart grow fonder!

    hang in there, beautiful!

  15. I'm sorry. :( But I have confidence that everything will work itself out! And I'm glad you were able to clear your head at the beach. (Kinda jealous you got to watch the Bachelorette, I missed it.)

  16. just stopping by for the first time and noticed your post about your bf. I totally understand the distance thing because although my bf and I are together during the school year, we've spent our summers at our respective homes (9 hours apart) Feel free to chat with me anytime! I ramble in! Check it out :-)
